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Duke’s Corner is a forum for conversations with Java developers. Tune in to connect with the community and lean how developers are innovating with Java technology. Host: Jim Grisanzio, Oracle Java Developer Relations @jimgris

Jun 24, 2021

Inspiring Builders: Part 2: Jim Grisanzio and Chris Bensen talk with Dale Dougherty from Make Magazine about the global phenomenon of Makers -- people who build with their bare hands and who give back to the community. This story is as old as it gets. We all have an inherent desire to build and collaborate and share, right?

Engaging Communities of Makers - People who Build with their Bare Hands (Video)

Dale Dougherty, Founder of Make Magazine

Chris Bensen, Oracle Developer Relations
YouTube: Chris Bensen: Inspiring Developers to Build Real Things
Building of Super Pi
Building the world’s largest Raspberry Pi cluster
The Seven Step Process to Creating an Amazing Demo
Starting a New Project — Pi Zero Custom Breadboard
Episode 1 - Custom Breadboard for Pi Zero

Podcast Host: Jim Grisanzio, Oracle Developer Relations