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Duke’s Corner is a forum for conversations with Java developers. Tune in to connect with the community and lean how developers are innovating with Java technology. Host: Jim Grisanzio, Oracle Java Developer Relations @jimgris

Jun 18, 2014

Looking to the future: anticipating cloud conversations at Oracle Open World.

Jun 18, 2014

Cloud represents a new way to do IT. But will it become the only way to do IT?

Jun 18, 2014

Is the Cloud hype cycle over? Real world experience suggests that the hype wasn't hype.

Jun 18, 2014

Cloud awareness and understanding has matured, but some questions and confusion remain among those coming late to the cloud party.

Jun 18, 2014

Organizers of the Cloud Computing Track at Collaborate 2014 discuss the evolving maturity of questions, conversations, and presentations about Cloud.